2018-2019 Season

Please note:  The dark bar you see under “Full Program Audio” in each program listing is the audio player.  If you move your cursor over the left end of the bar (or place your finger there for touch screens), you will see the arrow to click (or press) to begin playing the file.

June 15, 2019

Presenter:       Troy Railsback, Southern States Management Group
Subject:  Budgets , Operating Accounts and Reserves:  Setup and what you need to know.

For slides shown at this program,  CLICK HERE.

Full Program Audio


May 18, 2019

Presenter:      Patrick C. Howell, Esq.
The Becker Law Firm
Subject:  Condo Construction Defects 101

For slides shown at this program,  CLICK HERE .

(Unfortunately we were not able to post the audio recording of this meeting due to recording equipment failure.)

April 20, 2019

Presenters:      Brown & Brown Central Coast & Green Detectives inspections
Subject:  Storm Preparedness: The Before, During and After

Full Program Audio


NOTE:  A regular program was not held in March due to the SCCA Trade Show.  See our Trade Show page.

February 16, 2019

Presenter:       A. Van Catterton, Jr., Attorney-at-Law
Subjects:  1.  What you need to know about an Air BnB in order to keep them from using your association as a guest service?

2:   Update on emotional support animals and Fair Housing issues (“Lassie, Go Home!”)

For slides shown at this program, CLICK HERE

Full Program Audio


January 26, 2019

Presenter:      Erik Whynot, Attorney-at-Law
Garfinkel Whynot, P. A.
Subject:  Erik will be presenting a wide-ranging program on a variety of subjects including:

  • Vendors & insurance & licensing — what’s required for both associations and owners?
  • How far should the association go to protect the property if work is done inside the unit? Does unit work require the same licensed workers? If not, why? What are the respective responsibilities of an association and unit owners?
  • Should an association have a written policy for vendors working on the property?
  • If work is being done inside the unit by an owner, what does his or her HO-6 policy cover?
  • Are insurance certificates required for subcontractors?
  • How should an association manage a management company maintenance man’s time, cost, skills?
  • How can you get qualified workers with insurance?
  • Can multiple associations share a handyman’s time, insurance, etc.?


For slides shown at this program, CLICK HERE.

Full Program Audio


NOTE:  SCCA was in holiday recess in December.

November 17, 2018

Presenter:      Mr. Michael Lagana, Lerch Bates Elevator consultant
Subject:  Overview of the Different Kinds of Elevators (Hydraulic Vs. Traction) and Why You Should Care

  • What does living on the coast due to your elevator?
  • Different levels of maintenance contracts being sold and cost implications.
  • Best Practices on partnering with an elevator company effectively.
  • Best Practices for code inspections to obtain annual certificates of operation.
  • Best Practices for capital investment planning.
  • Best Practices of an elevator rider, building engineer, manager when dealing with elevators.
  • Best Practices when receiving a proposal or billable service ticket from an elevator contractor.
  • When to consider a qualified Elevator Consultant firm and typical benefits.
  • Common problems condominiums call us with that can be may be avoided or reduced.

For slides shown at this program, CLICK HERE.

Full Program Audio
 The date given in the introduction is October 20, but the actual date for this presentation was November 17.


October 20, 2018

Presenter:       A. Van Catterton, Jr., Attorney-at-Law
Subject:  Managing Your Relationship With Management

  • What to expect.
  • Where does responsibility lie?
  • How many $$?
  • Interactions with others and the roles for each:
    • Owners?
    • Vendors?
    • Professionals (attorneys, engineers, etc.)?
  • When is it time to break the contract?
  • The pitfalls of being self managed vs. working with a manager.
  • How to conduct an annual manager evaluation.

Full Program Audio


For slides shown at this program, CLICK HERE

September 15, 2018

Presenter:      Association Reserves
Subject:  Mr. Will Simons will present a 2-part program:

Part 1, Fundamentals of Reserves, What is a Reserve Study and Why Do You Need One?

Part 2, Road Map for Managers & Board Members on Pooled Reserves

Full Program Audio


1. The information published here is provided only as a courtesy, and its accuracy is not warranted by SCCA or the program participants. It should not be relied upon or acted upon by any person as legal advice. The speaker(s) did not have an opportunity to review or edit the audio.

2. Opening meeting handouts requires Adobe’s FREE Acrobat Reader. If you don’t already have it installed, Click Here.