September 26, 2009
Speaker: Gary Poliakoff, President, Becker & Poliakoff, P.A.
Subject: Discussion of Mr. Poliakoff’s book, “New Neighborhoods: The Consumer’s Guide to Condominium, Co-op, and HOA Living” (co-authored with his son Ryan Poliakoff). In the course of discussion, the authors address contemporary issues for common interest ownership associations–including the financial strain resulting from increased foreclosures.
Click HERE for additional information about the book.
October 24, 2009
Speaker: Neal McCulloh, Esq., of
Clayton & McCulloh, Attorneys-at-Law
Subject: Elections and Recalls
November 14, 2009
Florida State Rep. Ritch Workman and Senator Thad Altman; U.S. Rep. Bill Posey; Buz Ausley, Field Office Director,
Orlando HUD Office; Roy Bush, Director, Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Brevard; and Paul Wean and Erin Zebell of Wean and Malchow, Attorneys-at-Law.
Subject: Current Issue Facing Florida Common Interest Ownership Housing
December 5, 2009
Speaker: Chuck Drago, former DBPR Secretary, now Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Christ.
January 23, 2010
Kenneth S. Direktor, Attorney at Law and Chair of the Community Association Law Practice Group, for Becker & Poliakoff, PA; David G. Muller, Attorney at Law and Co Executive Director of Community Association Leadership Lobby; Scott Kiernan, Attorney at Law, Central Florida Litigation Team of Becker & Poliakoff, PA; and Travis Moore, Lobbyists Legislative Advocate for Community Association Leadership Lobby and the Florida Legislative Alliance of the Community Associations Institute.
Topic: Questions & Answers Pertaining to Legislation, Collections, Insurance and Mediation in Today’s Economic Crisis.
February 27, 2010
Speaker: Danille Carroll,
current Director of the Florida Office of Civil Rights and former Florida Condominium Ombudsman.
Topic: Fair Housing and Community Associations
March 20, 2010
Our March meeting was our Annual Trade Show. Click the “Trade Show” tab at the top of this page.
April 24, 2010
Speakers: Susanne Murphy, Executive Vice President, Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, and Paul Palumbo, Citizens’ Chief Underwriting Officer
Topic: The Current Role Of Citizens Insurance For Associations
May 15, 2010
Speakers: Staff of Taylor & Carls, P.A., Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Topic: Board Of Directors Rights And Responsibilities
June 26, 2010
Gary Poliakoff, Esq., Founding Shareholder, Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. In addition to his practice of law, book authorship, and many other activities, Mr. Poliakoff writes a weekly column appearing in a number of Florida newspapers, including Florida Today, about common interest ownership residential property legal issues.
Topic: How This Year’s Legislation Will Affect You and Your Association
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