SCCA Sponsors a Trade Show every Spring where our Association Members and their guests can meet our Business Associate Members and find out about all the latest products and services available to common interest ownership housing communities.
The 2025 SCCA Trade Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025 (9:00 AM – NOON) in the Pavilion of the Radisson Resort at the Port in Cape Canaveral.The Pavilion is a dome-shaped building behind the hotel. Parking is behind that building.
Download: SCCA 2025 Trade Show Flyer.
Just follow these steps to sign-up as an Exhibitor for the 2025 SCCA Trade Show:
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat or one of the latest web browsers (e.g. Edge, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) or another recent .pdf file reader application installed on your computer to print or use the fill-in application forms that you can download with the link lower on this page.
Note that Exhibitors must be current SCCA Business Associate Members at the time of the Trade Show to participate in the event. If you are not a member or need to renew your membership, go to the “Join SCCA” link here or above near the top of this page.
If you are a Business Associate Member, click the “2025 Trade Show Exhibitor Application” below to sign up to be an Exhibitor.
You can print the form and fill it in by hand, or you can fill it in on-line. To do that, use your tab key or mouse to move from one blank to the next. When you get to check boxes, click with your left mouse button to put a check mark in any box you want to check before moving on. Then print out the completed form and save your completed application on your computer.
Sign the printed application.
a. You can mail in your check, made payable to SCCA, and your signed application (a clear copy please!) to the address shown on the application form.
b. You can either mail in your signed application as above or scan it (a clear copy please!) and e-mail it to and you can pay online at this SCCA Trade Show payment site.
Download: 2025 SCCA Trade Show Exhibitor Application.
The SCCA Trade Show allows vendors to showcase their businesses to the members of the SCCA represented Condo and Homeowner Association Communities. Click HERE for detailed Trade Show participation instructions.